Signs of Infertility (How To Get Pregnant)
What exactly is infertility? How to get pregnant quickly and naturally?
The definition of infertility is the problems associated with whether you can conceive a child or whether you can carry out the pregnancy successfully to its fruitful end. In infertility, the female is incapable of becoming pregnant, and the case of the male, the incapability to induce pregnancy. Also, a woman who is unable to carry out its pregnancy to its full term is also dubbed infertility.
Research has shown that about a third of issues comes with women, men also attributed one-third. The final third arises from a combination of both, other factors, or unknown causes. How can you know if you’re suffering from infertility? What are the signs?
You may not be aware that you are infertile, as the signs are not always evident. Most of us go through life not knowing there’s a problem with their productive systems or organs until they got married and tried to conceive a child. Infertility always attributed to failing pregnancies and miscarriages.
Signs Of Infertility In Women
The signs of infertility are readily recognized in women. That’s when you tried to conceive in a year but fail. Endometriosis causes the lining of the uterus to grow outside the uterus.
Male infertility is very apparent – difficulty with ejaculation or small volumes of fluid ejaculated. He may have reduced sexual desires, or difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction). He may have pain, swelling or feel a lump in the testicle area.
For a female, the uterus may be infected by bacteria and it can be spread to other reproductive organs which attributed to infertility. Fibroids are indicative of infertility, Fibroids are abnormal growths that form in or on the uterus. They may cause chronic abdominal pains and heavy periods. Sometimes these tumours can become quite large. Another sign of infertility is in the case of the endocervical canal may be completely closed. Cervical stenosis is the opening in the cervix is much narrower than is typical.
Indications of Miscarriage and Infertility
The luteal phase begins right after ovulation and is responsible for the production of hormonal secretions such as progesterone and estrogen. During this phase, the hormones helped to prepare the uterine lining for a possible fertilized egg. The menstrual cycle then begins if there is no presence of fertilized egg or the levels of the hormone are found not optimal. When a luteal phase defect occurs, the secretion of progesterone by the ovary is abnormally low, or the endometrium is not responsive to the normal stimulation of progesterone. These defects are indications with both early miscarriage and infertility.
What about irregular menstrual cycle? Missing periods and having an irregular cycle contribute too to infertility because a woman is not capable to ovulate regularly.
Bodyweight is also an indicator of a woman being infertile. If she is too thin or anorexic, will definitely make pregnancy difficult, since her body does not have the proper nutritional requirements or strength. On the other hand, overweight and hormonal imbalance or obesity also affects a woman’s reproductive system and the ability to get pregnant.
Signs of Infertility In Men
Obesity in males too, like in females, is a sign that he is infertile. Anatomical defects, only peculiar to males may also indications of infertility. Damaged to the scrotum, or undescended testicles are bad signs too. Wearing tight jeans and bikini-type underwear causes heat to built up in the scrotum. Taking hot baths, and spa will also raise the temperature of the scrotum. Exposing them to extreme heat may render the testicles unable to produce the required quality and the number of sperms or it might unable to produce sperms altogether. All these have adversely affected your infertility.
Determining the signs of infertility:
To know whether you’re infertile or not, check with a doctor. The doctor would able to detect the signs of infertility and conduct the necessary medical tests and offer prescription:
. Hysterosalpingography.
It is also known as uterosalpingography is a radiologic procedure to check and investigate the shape of the uterine cavity and the shape and patency of the fallopian tubes. This means it is special x-ray using dye injected into the vagina to look for blockage in the fallopian tubes or uterus.
. Laparoscopy.
It is often used to identify and diagnose the source of abdominal and pelvic pain. Laparoscopy can be helped to detect physical problems are present in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or in the uterus. This may suggest infertility.
Holistic Approach
The holistic approach may not be the end to end it all way of increasing your chances to conceive and get pregnant, but it sure guarantees a healthy and safe pregnancy. Infertility can be resolved if it addressed this way which used a multifaceted method of healing. Taking supplements, and getting regular health checkups to combat an existing problem and exercising and stress control is only part of the holistic solution to infertility.
The Real Cause of Infertility (How To Get Pregnant)

Infertility is the inability to conceive after trying to get pregnant by regular sexual intercourse without using contraception, or as repeated ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages of perinatal; loss. Male and female specific factors account for one-third causes (individually); another 20% from the combination of the male and female causation, and the remaining 20% are caused by uncertain origins.
It is utmost important to stick to the rules of the treatment when one is dealing with infertility. It is equally essential that the diagnosis is correct of the root cause of your condition. The outline below is a broad enumerating the various probable causes of infertility.
Why it is important to determine the causes.
Infertility can be caused by many factors at one time, or it can result in perhaps the deviation of a certain single factor out of the ordinary path. Since not being able to diagnosis properly can lead to further complications later. The first step of curing and treating infertility depends on the ability to find and identify the root cause right from the beginning of treatment.
The broad causes of infertility in females may be listed as follows:
. Anovulation:
Ovulatory problems, in women, are the most common causes of infertility. Not able to ovulate may be due to a number of factors:
o Hormonal imbalance is the most common cause of anovulation; when the ovaries produce immature eggs, conceive and pregnancy then becomes impossible.
o Women with polycystic ovaries suffer from a decreased secretion of FSH and increased secretion of LH and testosterone; therefore polycystic ovarian syndrome may lead to anovulation in women.
o Approximately 20% of the cases of infertility occur due to the malfunctioning of the hypothalamus, the gland which controls hormonal stimuli, resulting in immature eggs. The pituitary gland is responsible for the regulation of LH and FSH, and its malfunctioning produces immature eggs.
o Damage to the ovaries caused by previous surgeries, ovarian cysts, tumours and infections may lead to the production of immature eggs as well.
o Premature menopause and follicular problems are also responsible for anovulation.
. Improper functioning of fallopian tubes:
Viral and bacterial infections of the fallopian tubes are the primary cause of their malfunction.
Appendicitis and colitis are abdominal problems which lead to blockage of the fallopian tubes. Tubal damages may also be caused by previous surgeries, which render the tubes incapable of passing down the eggs when it is released. Ectopic pregnancy, which occurs within the tube, is a potential threat to life that also causes tubal damage. Congenital tubal defects which are rare, but are not impossible to caused infertility.
. Use of drugs:
Drinking, smoking and using other drugs have been known to decrease the chances of possibly getting pregnant.
. Problems in the Immune system:
This problem includes autoimmune reactions in the body and the creation of antisperm antibodies which exterminate sperms. Natural killer cells, which when present in excess, can damage the embryo in the uterus. The antinuclear antibodies cause inflammation of the uterus when present in excess. The presence of antisperm antibodies in the female’s body kills off the sperms before they can fertilize the egg.
Although the causes of infertility varied, they are fairly easy to overcome, especially when diagnosed and treated in the early stages. Using a holistic approach, comprising of the prescribed medicines, following a regular exercise, healthy diet, abstinence from alcohol, nicotine and other drugs, acupuncture, stress management, etc. guarantees positive results. Due to the complexity and multifactorial nature of infertility, the problem can be tackled and resolved permanently only by dealing with it in the holistic way, which finds all the root causes of this condition rather than focusing on specific triggering elements.

Infertility treatments (How To Get Pregnant)
About 10% – 15% of couples worldwide suffered from infertility. This condition may arise from a multitude of anomalies in the body, ranging from infections and cysts in the reproductive tracts and in the ovaries, to the excesses or the lack of secretion of hormones by the glands. There are many ways to treat infertility and the best way is to first identify the root cause of the condition and then reduce it.
Available infertility treatments include:
. Treating APA’s.
APA’s cause of blood clots and prevent implantation. A low dose of aspirin therapy works wonders when treating APA’s in the blood. For graver cases, anticoagulants are used to thin out the blood and improve blood circulation in the uterus.
. Removing natural killer cells.
Natural killer cells present in excess begin to attack the embryo. An intravenous treatment of gamma globulin, intralipid infusions and steroids are often used in this case.
. Treating Antinuclear Antibodies (AA’s).
The abundance of antinuclear antibodies in the body is treated with steroids, intake of herbs that increase circulation, intake of antioxidants, zinc supplements, alkaline generating food and reducing the levels of stress. Balancing the responses of the immune system is the key to treating AA’s.
. Treating antisperm antibodies.
To suppress the reactions in the body caused by antisperm antibodies interacting with the sperm, low doses of steroids are often made use of.
. Treating age-related infertility.
Since age is a possible threat to female fertility, infertility treatments involving the care of the kidneys and the spleen will help a woman keep the age-related problems of pregnancy at bay.
. Treating infections that hinder pregnancy.
Antibiotic treatments to exterminate the harmful bacteria from the body are recommended by most doctors who conduct IVF’s. Nutritious food and immune-enhancing supplements are used to prevent harmful bacteria from growing in the body. When detected in one partner, antibiotic treatments for harmful bacteria must be carried out in both partners since they are likely to have infected each other during intercourse.
. Treating the high prolactin levels in the body.
Normally, to treat the elevated levels of prolactin in the body, natural remedies are suggested. These natural remedies include the intake of magnesium supplements, zinc, vitamin B, exercising, lowering the levels of stress, and staying away from alcohol. The intake of rebalancing hormones like Chasteberry etc. is also helpful. Qi moving herbs are also quite helpful in these cases.
. Treating luteal phase defects.
In case of dealing with luteal phase defects, fertility drugs like Clomid, etc. are prescribed for boosting and elevating the levels of progesterone, which enable pregnancy. However, medicines such as these are bound to have side effects and to avoid these said side effects, it is always beneficial to go for natural methods of treatment. Traditional Chinese Medicine also offers good help in these cases.
. Treating tubal blockages.
Laparoscopy is performed to remove small areas of blockage, however, if that fails, In Vitro Fertilization is an alternative.
. Treating sperm problems.
Fertility drugs are available that deduce sperm production, and improve motility. Since sperm motility is one of the major factors affecting pregnancy, treatments in males are incomplete without looking into this.
A whole new of choices of medicines are available for treatment nowadays to treat infertility. But all these treatments come with a trade-off. The treatments can be painful. and the result is not guaranteed. The plus side is that it has no harmful side effects. On the other hand, if you followed the holistic approach with abstinence from nicotine, alcohol and other drugs, healthy diet and regular exercise, can give guaranteed you fast and positive results.
How to get pregnant naturally

If you’re unable to get pregnant for a year, after trying without the use of contraceptives, then you may be categorised as infertile. In western countries, an estimated 15% of the population are affected by infertility. While others may seek alternatives treatment like IVF, others may seek to get impregnated naturally. Trying to get pregnant naturally may be very important, since many couples and individuals who are diagnosed with infertility may be able to get pregnant without treatment (and hence should be defined as “subfertile” rather than “infertile”).
To get the optimum chances of getting pregnant naturally, it is imperative to know your own menstrual cycle and the timing of ovulation. A couple should have as much sexual intercourse on the twelfth and the fifteenth day as you can when ovulation occurs around the fourteenth day.
Determining the signs of ovulation.
To check for the right timings of ovulation, a woman can do one, or many, of the following things:
. Keep a calendar.
Keeping a calendar to chart the days is an easy and effective method to determine the right time to have sexual intercourse.
. Keep a check on vaginal fluids.
Mucus discharge from the vagina usually becomes heavier, thinner, clearer and stretchy during ovulation when compared to the usual times.
. Feel the inside of the vagina.
During ovulation, the cervix is softer and slightly more open than usual.
. Keep tabs on any sharp pain in the abdomen.
Sharp pains in the abdomen, or some slight spotting, may be indicative of ovulation.
. Other physical conditions.
Headaches, breast tenderness and pain, bloating, may be signs of ovulation.
Having kept a tab on your menstrual cycle and ovulation, there are some other important things that most of us don’t know or aware of. These include not going to the bathroom to ease yourself and to lay still for a while after having sexual intercourse. And most importantly, keep track of the frequency and how many times you should have and have intercourse.
Don’t forget that men are on the other part of the equation of the whole scenario. The sperms can have the mobility, correct shape and are of the correct constitution or else, however fertile your partner may be, impregnation does not occur naturally. All men would have known by now, by wearing tight pants and bikini-type underwear will get your testicles from overheating and damage your sperms.
Holistic Approach
In most cases, for both men and women, they tend to concentrate on the hormonal and anatomical factors, when treating infertility. However, failure to conceive may result from undue stress, improper diet, the use of drugs like nicotine and alcohol, and even environmental factors like exposure to harmful and toxic pesticides. Not indulging in these bad habits or abstinence from such factors goes a long way in ensuring a pregnancy.
Lest one should forget, the holistic approach to tackle infertility is the optimal way to go. Besides getting a stress reduction techniques, health check, exercising, taking supplements to combat the existing problem are only part of the holistic solution. Unlike the conventional approach, where they attempt to heal a specific organ in the body, the holistic approach which takes a different way, which is not only a surefire way to increase your chances of conception. It also guarantees a safe and healthy pregnancy or it might save your marriage.
“A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.”
Disclaimer: The information provided here does not constitute medical advice, please visit your healthcare provider or medical professional.
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