Why You Should Not Ignore Insomnia
Insomnia affects 6 to 10 per cent of all living beings, is the most common sleep disorder. Despite being too common it is often left untreated and or undiagnosed. Insomnia can be the caused of bigger health problems such as heart failure, diabetes and depression. So, don’t think that insomnia is acceptable and ignore it. One may think that different person may experience insomnia differently and that they did not take it seriously.
One of the biggest hurdles is that people who are actually suffered from insomnia ever discuss their sleeping disorders with their doctor, therefore it is never resolved and is left to manifest into greater things. Insomnia is not a disease so to speak, nevertheless, it is a condition that can be treated.
You should not take insomnia lightly, or it is a temporary condition that you can dispel off. If you experienced these symptoms, you may be suffering from insomnia:
- Difficult or inability to falling or staying asleep
- Wake up very early irrespective what time you slept
- Yearning for restorative sleep
- Daytime feeling fatigue, memory loss, mood disturbance and trouble concentrating
Having experienced these symptoms is enough to make you on edge. If it has become chronic, or you have been diagnosed with insomnia, then you should know of the consequences of ignoring treatment and the long term effects on you.
Long-term effects and how it affects you

Anxiety and Depression
Lack of sleep means your brain cannot rest or restore. Over time, your body or your mind begins to become fatigued, slower and depressed. Your body and mind will subconsciously try to fight back and put you on high alert and may lead you to become more anxious. It is a vicious cycle as depression and anxiety prevent you to have a good night’s sleep.
Weight Gain
Do you that lack of sleep can cause weight gain? Lack of sleep affects the hormone leptin and ghrelin. Leptin suppresses hunger whereas ghrelin stimulates appetite. When you don’t have enough sleep the ghrelin hormone increases and the leptin hormone decreases. When this happens, the body may crave for high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods that may lead to weight gain. What happened when your body resist leptin?
Type 2 Diabetes

Having weight gain stand the risks of you getting Type 2 Diabetes. People who suffered from insomnia already have Type 2 Diabetes.
Congestive Heart Failure
High blood pressure, poor cardiac rhythm and depression are the side effects of insomnia. This may cause cardiac problems and result in heart failure, heart disease of a stroke.
Low Testosterone and Estrogen
When you beginning to have a lower sex drive that can ruin your marriage, it means you might suffering insomnia. Your body began to produce less and less hormone. You will experience lack of energy, sleepiness and increased tension. There is a shift in moodiness, fatigue, loss of muscle and bone mass.
Insomnia should not be ignored even if your symptoms are not frequent or recurrent in nature. Perhaps it is your medication you take that is causing all the sleeping disorder, or maybe you have a medical condition yet to be diagnosed, or you may have an emotional condition that you’re unaware of. Everything happened because of a reason and overtime your lack of sleep is a health hazard and may even threaten your health and worse, shorten your lifespan.
Check with your sleep specialists today and help you return to having a good night’s sleep
The Inability to Sleep
Can’t fall asleep? Get to understand what causes insomnia and how do you land yourself in a peaceful slumber at night once again.
Understand Insomnia
Get no sleep at all no matter how dead tired you are? Are you the one who will wake up in the middle of the night and would stare blankly at the ceiling with eyes wide opened wondering why your sheep counting is not effective? If you are experiencing the same, welcome to the insomnia club where members do not sleep!
Insomnia is the state where you find it difficult to fall asleep get or stay asleep at night, resulting in not able to get refreshing and restorative sleep. Though it’s common, it takes a toll on your body. It drained your energy, turned your mood upside down and throw your bodily function in array throughout the day. A more chronic case of insomnia may even attribute to untold misery and serious health problems.
You Need Quality Sleep
Is the quality of sleep that you need, not by the number of hours you slept or how quick you manage to doze off because different people require a different number of hours of sleep. Its how you feel after you sleep like you’re being energized and you don’t feel drowsy and fatigued for the whole day. You might be suffering from insomnia if you feel otherwise.
You may not know that insomnia is only caused by sleep disorder but is the symptom of another health problem. Some people who drank too much coffee during the day or night which causes sleeping difficulties during the night or the problem is more complex and complicated like an underlying medical condition.
Good News
Understanding insomnia will put you in good stead. By addressing the underlying issues of the causes, like changing your daily sleep habits, diet and make changes to your sleep environment you can put a stop worrying and give sleep a chance. If that doesn’t help, you should consult a doctor or a specialist who may prescribe you with some pills. If you think you’re suffering from chronic insomnia, go for an in-depth health check.
Sleep is the most under-rated form of healing and revitalizing experiences you have ever known. Everything looks brighter and cheering once we have restful sleep each night. 20% to 30% American adults at various times in their lives suffered from insomnia whereas 15% is chronic in nature and half of the American seniors have difficulty falling asleep every night.
Insomniacs can be treated and the holistic treatment is multifaceted and it constitutes many techniques including mineral supplements, vitamin, herbal medicine; improved sleep hygiene, lifestyle changes; meditation, behavioural therapy, massage therapy; diet, hypnosis, exercise and acupuncture; homoeopathy, guided imaginary and relaxation. A holistic treatment precludes the potential causes of insomnia rather provide symptomatic relief.
Herbs for Insomnia

Chamomile tea is commonly used for insomnia and restlessness in Mexico, South America and Europe. It is a sedative herb and is safe for consumption by child and adult alike. It can also be used as a massage oil when diluted. Chamomile oil can helps to soothe overwrought nerves when you can make a few drops in bathwater.
If you’re feeling edgy, just add a few drops of lavender to your bath and it will give a gentle strengthening tonic for the nervous system to help you with your sleep disorders. Lavender may be used to compress or alleviate insomnia by simply inhale or massage the body.
If you’re the one, life and work drive you to nervous exhaustion, financial and relationship problems elevate your mental worry or you may be overwork with no end in sight- all these may cause your insomnia. Passionflower, an excellent sedative can be used in minor sleep disorder in both adult and child with no side effects even in large doses.
Valerian is used by herbalists extensively in the United States for its sedative action against insomnia, restlessness and nervousness. It is used if you’re finding it a tough time falling asleep because valerian shortens sleep latency and it also reduces frequently waking up at night.
Wild Lettuce
Wild lettuce is used homeopathically for insomnia and restlessness. It is a mild sedative and may be found in a variety of formulas for treating chronic and acute insomnia. It is safe for children for its calming effects.
California Poppy
I personally use California poppy to help me relax and ease my mind. It is able to promote sleep and can safely be given to children alike because of its mild sedative and analgesic properties.
Kava Kava
Kaya kaya more than a national drink in the country of Fiji and is popular throughout the South Seas. Best for relaxing and calm the body. It does enhance dreaming communication and this sedative herb is often used for fatigue and sleeplessness.
St. John’s Wort
It can help to relieve mild depression and chronic insomnia. Because this St John’s wort can sensitize your skin to sunlight, it’s best to avoid direct exposure to bright sunlight.
Melatonin is a naturally produced hormone in our body that is being released when a response to darkness. Its main function is that it helps regulate the circadian rhythm of the body which ensure you’re getting a full night’s sleep. It’s like a body’s clock that responds to a 24-hour period.
It has become a popular supplement especially if you travel between time zones in order to promote sound sleep.
Effective Natural Sleeping Aids As Complementary Treatments To Insomnia
Insomnia is probably the number one most dreaded sleeping disorders in the world today. It affected almost everybody in many ways. Because of your abnormal sleeping patterns, it deprives the body of having a restful sleep in the night, resulting loss in daily daytime’s productivity of a person.
Prescribed medications or drugs are among the known treatments for insomnia. Although prescription drugs are really effective, depending too much on medications may possibly lead to addiction, overdosage, as well as other health complications. As an alternative to conventional treatments to insomnia, natural sleeping aids are becoming more popular and widely used among people with insomnia.
The first thing an insomniac would turn for a drug cure as this is the most natural thing to do. Even though prescription drugs are effective to most people, there are implications on the body for long-term reliances on these drugs. Totally reliant on these drugs may lead to addiction, overdose, as well as other health issues. As an alternative to using drugs to insomnia, natural sleeping aids are becoming more popular as people gain more knowledge and are acceptable to this natural sleeping aids.
More and more natural sleeping aids are as effective as drugs treatments. They are less expensive and have fewer side effects. Natural sleeping aids range from lifestyle changing, proper dietary control, dietary supplements as well as herbal supplements.
Natural sleeping aids for insomnia

White Noise Machine
Contrary to what most people think that to have a restful sleep, one must sleep in a peaceful and quiet place, doesn’t it occurred to you noise could make you sleep better? Strange but true. Another big factor that has a greater impact on the quality of sleep is noise. To create the best condition for a restful slumber we need to distinguish between destructive noise and nourishing noise that is called white noise. In the case of White noise, the “noise” can not only make you fall asleep but stay asleep as well.
What exactly is white noise that has a miracle effect on sleep? White noise is not the ambient sounds of like, rolling waves, traffic noise, drilling noise, chirping birds, though some will find it soothing and relaxing. Technically, white noise is sound that is consistent all across the frequencies that a human ear could hear. This consistency creates a masking effect that will block out any sudden changes in the surrounding noise, for instance, a truck thundering down the road, barking dogs and your spouse’s snoring, that is caused for your interrupting sleep during the night.
Even if you are awakened, these soothing white noise can always caress you gently back to slumber with ease. A white noise machine helps mask disruptive environmental noises which help to create a perfect sleeping environment.
Sleeping Headphones
If you have a hard time falling asleep in a noisy surround where you have constant loud music blasting from a bar in your neighbourhood who would open till dawn, then headphones are the remedy you are looking for. Most of today’s sleeping headphones have models designed to block off disruptive outside noises. Instead, they played calming and soothing music and white noise of various frequencies. These noises add in lowering your heart’s rate, making you relax before falling asleep.
Sleep Bracelet
How does sleep bracelet help in your sleep? Inside the bracelet, it has a metal disk that functions as an antenna. This antenna emits an electric field which surrounds us. This magnetic field resonates with your own body’s magnetic field helps restore your body ability to have a deep and restful sleep.
Two types of frequencies, man-made frequencies like computers and electricity, and natural frequencies which are created by nature, surround us. We can channel this natural frequency to benefit us. Once the frequency is tap, it increases the body’s production of melatonin, the hormone which has a great impact on our sleep-wake cycle. The antenna, inside the sleep bracelet, is developed to pick up frequencies between 0.2 and 32.5 Hertz, which benefits our wellbeing and sleep.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Online

When your insomnia gets worse and you no longer bear it one more day. You’ve tried all drugs available and all the sleep-inducing gadgets, yet there is no effect then whom do you turn to? CBT is the treatment of insomnia, often the non-medicinal way. For many of you, sleeping disorders won’t just go away or it is just a passing phase.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy not only works effectively on conditions such as pain disorder, chronic pain, and addiction disorder, but it also works effectively on insomnia treatment too.
CBT is based on the theory that there were some disposing and precipitating factors. In simple term, your sleeping disorders is associated with an event that triggers insomnia, and your insomnia remains even after the event had passed. CBT focuses on those factors rather than insomnia itself.
Your therapist is ready to start the journey with you today – so what are you waiting for?
Techniques For Relieving Insomnia Without Medication
Medicine can be good for some things. Some may respond to some natural or herbal sleep products and you may get some sleep. But taking prescription pills for sleeping isn’t always the best answer to your problems.
in fact, certain sleep medications can may not always the best answer to your woes. They may make the matter worse. Certain sleep aids frequently caused disruptive sleep cycles, making less restorative sleep. When you’re becoming more dependent on these medicines, in time, you won’t be able to sleep with it to get the same effect. This causes rebound insomnia, meaning whether you can sleep or not, you’ll have to pop in the pills. You’re getting too dependent on it, like addiction to drugs.
Next time, before you open the pill bottle, try Sleep Hygiene.
What Is Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep hygiene is a collection of habits you can follow to help you fall asleep easily and sleep more deeply.
The Do’s
- Stick to the same bedtime routine and wake-up time every day.
- Exercise regularly every day for at least 30 minutes.
- Ensure you get plenty of natural light during the day. It helps to wake up your brain from your slumber and coordinates your body’s rhythms.
- Fixed bedtime routine.
- Have a warm shower or bath preferably before sleep.
- Perform relaxing exercise, including Kumbhaka breathing exercise.
- Ensure your sleep environment is not too hot or too cold, pleasant and comfortable.
- Don’t eat, work and watch TV in bed. Associate bed with sleep and sex only.
- Go to bed only when sleepy only, and if you’re tossing and turning, get out of bed.
- Keep your table clock around so you don’t see the time.
The Don’ts:
- drink tea, iced tea, energy drinks and coffee in the afternoon and before bed.
- have alcohol with dinner.
- take stimulants, like chocolates, nicotine before bed.
- have a heavy meal close to bedtime.
- watch TV, use the computer or your mobile phone before bed.
- nap during the day or afternoon.
Home Remedies
Everyone needs to sleep. For some people may get away for a few hours of sleep, but for others, if don’t get a minimum of eight hours, they get very cranky the next morning and their productivity dipped throughout the day. It has a great impact on their work and their life in general. Therefore, having sufficient sleep is an understatement to a healthy and happy life.
Millions fear to go to bed every night. Each night is filled with fraught that it will be filled with sleeplessness, you would wish you have any remedy that would guarantee sleep. Having experienced no sleep, you will appreciate how valuable is having experienced resting our bodies is.
Learn how you can take charge of your sleeping patterns by one or combinations of these home remedies:
Mindfulness Meditation
Sit in a quiet and comfortable place and begin with slow and steady breathing. Mindfulness is about observing your feelings, breath, body, thoughts and sensation as they arise and pass.
In time, you will gain numerous health benefits that experienced good sleep. Mindful meditation promotes improve concentration, reduce stress, and boost immunity.
Yoga can have a positive effect on the quality of sleep. It improves physical functioning, alleviates stress and greatly boosts your mental focus. If physical movements are difficult, choose breathing work instead. If you’re the physical type, slow controlled movements allow one to stay focus and present. Yin and restorative yoga are great options.
6 Steps To Sleep

It’s not too hard to take your first step to learn about the solution to your problems. You can escape the vicious cycle of sleeplessness once and forever.
For the vast majority of people who have tried to overcome insomnia, losing sleep is not something you need to struggle on with, even if it has affected your life one way or another, for many years, and you’ve tried unsuccessfully everything available you can to solve the root issue.
If you are boldly determined to get out once and all this vicious cycle without the use of sleeping pills Learn the six steps to sleep here.
“Some people can’t sleep because they have insomnia. I can’t sleep because I have Internet connection.”
Disclaimer: The information provided here does not constitute medical advice, please visit your healthcare provider or medical professional.
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