The Power of The Late-Night Snacking-It’s a cup of (red) tea

red tea

You’re staring at your computer screen with weary eyes. Dinner has come and gone, but that oh-so-familiar beast we call Hunger has reeled its damn head again. Solution – the power of the late night snacking-it’s a cup of (red) tea, Make it your power snack. But you can’t snack after eight o’clock, right? That’s […]

The Power of The Late-Night Snacking-It’s a cup of (red) tea Read More »

The Ketogenic Diet – Resurgence of Interest

There has been a dramatic resurgence of interest in the ketogenic diet during the past several years. For many children with difficult-to-control epilepsy, the diet presents an alternative approach to trying multiple medications. The ketogenic diet’s current success rate, when properly executed, greatly exceeds that of the medications which have recently become available.The ketogenic diet’s

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