Survival skills are needed in this momentous time when the world is brought to its knees and there is no light at the end of the tunnel as yet. The world is taken a beating like no one ever seen before. The unseen enemy is spreading everywhere, unknowing who is the carrier might be. It is not apparent to detection, and when the symptoms are shown, it is rather too late.
The world”s pandemic disrupt the all-important arteries of survival. To prevent the spread of the COVID-19, countries are shut down. The essential industry like food transportation and production has halted. Crimes rate soar as people have no means to earn a living. Many resorts to petty crimes to survive.
Survival Skills
In a time like this, some survival skills can make a difference between life and death. People in their backyard and in public spaces can grow your own vegetables or food to help to take the pressure off the food system.
Water Scarcity
During a pandemic, freshwater may be cut off with no freshwater for consumption and sanitation. You have to depend on your survival skills to find water. Learn how to create water on demand here.
We cannot discount the fact that a pandemic could lead to a full-scale world war, where countries were once again conquering each other for its resources either natural or otherwise.
Whether you are a prepper, who believes a catastrophic is likely to occur, or a person who wishes to survive throughout this pandemic which is now at our doorsteps, even a survival skill like how to can hamburgers are surreal enough.
Everybody wants these Survival Life Kits to save yourself and your love ones. Take me there.
Survival Skills: A Guide to Safely Canning Hamburgers

Whether you are stocking up your prepper’s pantry, you too found out that red meat is not the easiest of food items to be stored for long-term.
You can dehydrate your meat, but it has a short shelf life. What if you have a craving of a juicy burger or the taste of a taco in fresh ground beef?
You will be delighted to know that fresh ground beef can be cooked and store in cans. This cooked canned meat can be stored in a can for 3-5 years, and it be safety consumed straight from the can preferably be eaten warm. Canning is the process of applying heat to food, preferably sealed in a jar, in order, all the microorganisms in it are destroyed, and your food can be stored longer even without refregeration.
Canning For Pandemic
During the canning process, the air is driven out from the jar and a vacuum is formed as the jars with the meat cools and seals.
Canning is the process of packaging a food in a container and subjecting it to high thermal for the purpose of life extending and kill or destroyed disease-causing disease. It has minimal impact on the physical and nutritional value of the food.
That is why, in the event of a pandemic, canning of food on your own could help you with a constant food supply. That’s a survival skill you ought to learn.
A few specific kitchen tools are needed when you want to can hamburger:
- A skillet (cast-iron preferred)
- Pint or quart-sized canning jars
- New canning lids and rings
- Pressure-canner
All nice and done, and when you finally open up your can of ground meat, in it you’ll have your beef stock and fat together, all of which will enhance your cooking.
Before you Begin your canning
- Suggest you use a pressure-canners for canning food. Some are really heavy, so be careful as you may break your electric stoves’ glass surface.
- Do not fill the water of your pressure canners to cover up your food jars.
- You do not add any stock to your meat because you want to retain the natural flavours of the food.
- If you’re living in a higher altitude, a higher canning pressure is needed than when you are at sea-level.

All American Canner Pressure Cooker 30 Qt. Shop from Walmart
How to Can Hamburger
- Begin with browning your ground beef and left if half-cooked. You can season to taste but do not add any binding agents, such as eggs or flours.
- Fill your pressure-canner at the recommended 2 inches of water.
- Your canning jar should not be a jammed pack of meat. Do not push it to fill, and just leave a headspace of about 1 inch.
- Attach canning lids and rings to your canning jar, Be sure before you lower the jars to the pressure-canner, the lids are not too tight. Tighten only with the strength of your hands.
- Allow the pressure-canner to let off steam for 10 minutes before you add the weighted pressure gauge. Make sure you followed the USDA recommendation.
- Let it steam for 75 minutes if you have a pint jar, and will take 90 minutes if you have a quart jar.
- When the timer is off, turn off the heat and let the pressure-canner to return to zero pounds. Then remove the gauge and allow the rest of the steam to escape.
- Remove the jars from the pressure-canner, and let the jars to cool down to room temperature, Then remove the canning rings, for it will rust if they are kept it on.
- Label the jars so that you know when is the expiration date of the contents.
There you are, food preserved in times of a pandemic, which could feed a family in time of needs where there is a shortage of food. The nutrition and flavour will be contained, unless, of course, your canning processes are compromised.
Everybody wants these Survival Life Kits to save yourself and your love ones. Take me there.
Survival Skills: Vegetable Garden Plants To Grow Now For A Quick Harvest

Before food supplies cannot keep up with the demands, you must do something to make sure you and your family have enough food supply. Grow these vegetable garden plants now and get your harvests soon!
You must grow your own food during this trying time, You don’t want to catch off guard when food supply is cut off during an emergency where curfew and movement restrictions are enforced. Food productions may be impacted, and factories closed. Food is not transported to the needy because all form of transportation is hampered. Grow these vegetables now and soon you’ll get your harvests.
It may save yourself and your family from going hungry. Grow your own greens using the aquaponics system here.
Vegetable Garden Plants to Plant Now
Don’t Wait Until Food Supplies Are Gone
Learn about survival skills. The COVID-19 pandemic will not stop real soon and may manifest into a catastrophic disaster, like a pandemic of second nature. Wars could break out of unimaginable proportion. Even now, people are in buying-panic and starts stockpiling food. Even toilet paper is not spared. People have lost their mind and they cannot think logically.
The farmers and the transporter are worried about their health when they come in contact with another person. If they gonna stop operating, they could paralyse our entire food system.
You don’t have to totally rely on outside food sources and start growing your own in your own backyard or garden. Put in the seeds now and you can food in 30-45 days time.
What Kinds of Plants Have That Quick Harvest?
1. Spinach

Plant spinach seeds in rows of 14-18 inches apart with each seed alternating one inch apart. Cover the seeds not so deeply with the soil of only about ½ inch of moist soil.
After they have germinate thin them out to stand 3-5 inches apart. Thinning is very important or you end up with all the plant very congested.
The key to success with growing spinach is to plant varieties in a rich, organic soil.
Spinach is one of those seeds that you should just have a ton of. It always sprouts and it always grows very fast.
2. Lettuces

Lettuce is the most widely planted salad vegetable in the United States. It grows easily in cool weather from your patio to your garden beds. It can be harvested in as little as 30 days.
If your daily diet has been just rice and beans, imagine you have a plate of lettuce salad dressed with lemon and olive oil, it will certainly whet your appetite.
Grow a variety of lettuces, too, so you can enjoy the different colours, flavours, and textures in your salads.
3. Peas
Nothing compares with the super-sweet taste of freshly harvested peas from the garden.
Plant peas in 3 cm of fertile soil from spring to midsummer. Peas can be harvested in around 3 months.
4. Radishes

Radishes may not be the most popular vegetable to grow, but they are one of the healthiest. They may be least favourite root vegetable, but they do pack with nutrients.
When eaten raw, radishes have that spicy, zesty and crisp taste. Cooking will brings out the sweetness and mild the spiciness.
The leaves can also be used in salads with your other lettuce mixes.
5. Beans

Beans grow best in full sun, planted in well-drained and warm soil. They are easy to grow but you need bamboo trellises for pole beans before planting the seeds.
Beans can be harvested in the green, the shelling stage, or the dry stage. Shelling beans are best eaten fresh or frozen. They can be stored dried for a very long period, however, it can only about a week in your refrigerator.
6. Turnips

Young turnips are crunchy and sweet, quite similar to carrots. Depending on the climate and temperature, it takes about 60 days to grow.
It is fairly to grow turnips, it just needs loose, fertile soil rich in compost. Turnips can be stored in a refrigerator for 4 – 5 months. Simply wrap them in a paper towel in a perforated plastic bag in the vegetable crisper drawer of the refrigerator.
7. Beets

How to eat beets? First you have to get rid of the paper-thin skin first. You can peel if off while it still raw, but prepared to get your fingers stained scarlet. Or alternately, you can rub the skins off using a paper towel, after you roasted it.
Beets grow easily in he garden and you don’t have to wait long before it can be harvested. It grows quickly in bright sunlight.
Beets taste earthly a little bitter and are wonderful to eat it raw. You get the much sweetness flavor that when it is cooked.
Most people don’t think they like beets. Roasted, pickled, or fried, beets can be delicious. The beet tops or beet greens are also incredibly nutritious.
These roots have a very quick harvest time, and, like the turnips, the greens grow back after being clipped. Just be sure you leave a few of them in the soil.
8. Arugula
One of the ultimate greens of spring. That spicy baby arugula is a must-have in your spring garden. Arugula leaves are also known as rocket or roquette, are small-sized and have a tangy taste.
Arugula grows well in humus-rich, aerated soil, but is able to grow in a wide variety of conditions. Preferably, prefers full sun to grow but the shady area is tolerated.
Essentially, arugula is a type of lettuce, which means you will get that quick turnaround.
9. Spring Onions

Scallions are another simple and fast spring vegetable that will become viable very quickly. Like lettuce and turnip tops, you will also be able to clip and watch these regrow.
Spring onions should be thoroughly washed before they are eaten. They can be very gritty if you don’t rinse them first.
10. Bok Choy

A Chinese vegetable from the brassica family, bok choy is a fast-growing spring and winter vegetable.
These plants are hardy enough to overwinter and that means you can get two seasons out of bok choy.
These little leafy cabbages can be eaten whole, and they are delicious. While not a common American garden vegetable you should still give them a try.
Plant These Vegetable Garden Plants NOW!
This are among the few vegetables that grow easily in your garden, and they taste good even if they are eaten on its own, and best of all they’re packed with nutrients.
Knowing these survival skills put you in good stead, as you’re self-reliant in the way that you are able to produce food. Self-reliance in a pandemic situation makes you more confident than ever before. You cannot control the distribution of food supplies, see what happens at the local market or supermarkets? Literally, everybody ransacked it clean. What if you cannot compete with them? No one will take mercy on you unless there are free food hangouts.
Always Have Food In Your Own Backyard
With survival skills, yes, you can learn to grow food in your own backyard. Plant your seeds now and you can see your harvest in the next 30-45 days.
If you read my article earlier, you’d had a better head start. All is not lost if you start right away. We might not see the peak of the pandemic yet, but the world’s economy is seen crumbling and people will lose their jobs. Even if we survive the pandemic, the world is left in ruins. It will need several years before it can nurse it back to health.
Everybody wants these Survival Life Kits to save yourself and your love ones. Take me there.
7 Survival Skills On Ways To Signal For SOS

When you’re lost in a jungle, mountain, or at sea, where do you find help? What if your handphone is damaged or the batteries are dead, or worse still there are no radio signal and wi-fi connections? These modern devices are deemed useless if their applications and connectivity are taken away.
You might have known some of these survival skills, but let us relearn those you have already known and learned some new ones. Who knows, in life or death situations, the signals you sent that might have saved your life.
Do you know how to signal for SOS? If not, check out how below!
7 Ways to Signal for SOS
What Is SOS?
All these while, people relate the distress signal SOS as an abbreviation of “save our souls” or “save our ship.” By in reality it didn’t mean anything.
You must be familiar in pictures or movies about Tom Hanks’s Cast Away where he was left deserted on an island far away from civilisation. He had used the signal SOS drawn on sand and other signals to attract attention.
These survival skills have saved countless lives during an emergency, but do you know where SOS originated? What does SOS represent and when to use it?
SOS in Morse code translation it mean “3 dots 3 dash 3 dots” without a break
In Morse code, three dots denotes the letter S, and three dashes denote the letter O. It is universally accepted and recognized the same thing; HELP!
1. Use a Mirror to Reflect Sunlight
If you are stuck in an abandoned place, you can use a mirror, knife, or any shining surface to reflect the sun rays to send signals for help.
Use the sequence as in Morse Code, the “…—…” as in SOS to relay the message across.
2. Use a Whistle
When you do get lost or stranded, a survival whistle might save your life. There is more to it than randomy blowing on it hoping that somebody recognizes the sound as a distress signal.
It might work depending on whether someone hears your call. Blow your whistle with three loud, short blasts, each lasting approximately three seconds. It’s recognized nearly anywhere in the world as a distress call, without having to remember any complicated signalling.
3. Make Fire
This survival skill of signals at night is extremely useful at night. All you have to do is to set up 3 separate fires, and line them up either in a row, or a triangle, placing each fire a hundred feet apart.
These 3 fires distress signal is recognized globally as someone is calling for help.
4. Use Sand, Mud, or Stones

If you have a open flat surfaces, you may forming the letters SOS by writing on sand or using stones or sticks.
One disadvantage is that writing on the beach, it might get all wash-up and erased by the waves of during high tide, and it has to be written again. Make sure your writings are big enough to be seen from the sky.
5. Use Whatever Light You Have
A flashlight, lantern, phone flashlight, or torch can also be used to send the SOS sequence. You will just have to turn it on and off or cover and uncover it.
This may take some practice, but keep trying and keep sending your signal for SOS until it is recognized.
6. Make Blue and Red Flag

Thanks to the police and fire rescue vehicles, blue and red lights have also become a signal.
If you can make a flag out of blue and red fabric, you will be able to indicate your need for help.
7. Use Your Body
If you are in imminent danger with captors or kidnappers nearby, you have all the tools you need – your eyes and your fingers. You can blink or tap out SOS without necessarily alerting the wrong people.
While we currently have access to other methods of calling for help, you never know when you might have to fall back on the classic SOS call.
Knowing your options and how to best utilize them is an important part of disaster preparation.
Survival skills are often associated with the need to stay alive and survive in a disaster or pandemic situation. During the time of war and catastrophic disaster, we are transported back to basic wilderness living, required to handle emergency situations.
We are required to seek help, defend ourselves from animals and human predators alike in order to keep ourselves safe. We are constantly in danger because everyone is only interested in their own survival.

Going back to hunting is not too far fetch if the pandemic endures where food production and industry grind to a stop. The world is at war, where you don’t know when the enemy would strike.
Besides going back to fishing, horseback riding, hiking, backpacking, and wilderness survival skills, you need the necessary survival kit, like a match to light a fire, and a knife to cut meat. This is the most basic requirements in our daily life in order to survive.
Everybody wants these Survival Life Kits to save yourself and your love ones. Take me there
“It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value.”
Stephen Hawking
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