Water Scarcity
Water on demand – if there is a system for creating REAL water on demand for your family when the world outside will go crazy for a drop of water…your family will have enough to drink, for cooking, or even bathing and washing clothes. Do you want it?
Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink! How true.
Water the necessity of life, yet why is there scarcity?
In some developed countries where there is no shortage of water, they take the never-ending supply of water for granted. Water on demand is as simple as turning on the tap.
Water scarcity is when demands of water usage within a region are not matched by the supply of available water resources. Water scarcity involves water crisis, water stress, water shortage or deficits.
The extensive use of water in raising livestock, agriculture, breeding and industry in the developed countries have attributed to its scarcity. These people do spend ten time more amount of water than those in developing countries.
Rehabilitation of streams difficult
These water scarcity has a great negative impact on the environment especially on the fresh water resources. This has also makes flow management in rehabilitation of urban streams difficult and problematic.
The production of agricultural produce and food security needs water. The lifeblood of our ecosystems, in which our present and future food production and nutritional security depend upon. What alarming is that we are losing our freshwater resources fast.
Our main concern now is the pressing challenges of growing water scarcity needed to sustain development. This will make it more difficult as the world’s population grew rapidly, their diet habit change and the effects of water supply changes as climate change worsen.
Food wastage
Studies have shown that the food that we eat on a daily basis contains much more water than we drink. Do you know that the food that is being consumed by one person daily required 2,000 to 5,000 litres of water to produce them?

Food wastage is the case in point. If you throw away uneaten food, you’re wasting water that goes about producing it. You need 70 litres of water to produce one apple and is it left to waste, you just have wasted 70 litres of water in the making. It is estimated that 1.3 billion tonnes of food is discarded and wasted globally in a year. How much water have gone in the production of this food is now gone down the drain.
Misuse of water
Food supply valued chain often links to its inefficiently use of water. Their site selection, technology and suppliers, based on their key decisions, are not made taking into consideration the impact on water resources, and treat as if the water is not a limiting factor both in quantities and in price.
The food supply chain should learn to produce more food using less water and have the ability to cope with the various calamity that throws at them. They should equip themselves the knowledge on how to farm in areas prone to floods, droughts and the ever-changing climate. They also have to apply clean water technologies that not only protect the environment but to regenerate it.
Discard old habits
If water is scarce, the very core of sustainable development is curbed. You can’t grow food if you don’t have sufficient water. Our bad habits of consuming water must change to protect this very little precious resources left for us in this world.

Our body consists of 60% water and we depend on it for our survival. Although 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water yet a vast number of countries in the world suffered from a lack of basic sanitation and access to clean water.
Statistics show that a whopping 97% on earth is salt water, 2% remain frozen in glaziers and ice caps, remaining 1% as fresh water to be shared with every one, animals and plants in the world.
One in eight people on this earth search for water every day. One in six, don’t have access to toilet water.
You could try digging a well to look for water… that’s if you can afford the $12,000 drilling and installations costs…or even try your luck with rain harvesting…
Of course, there is a system for creating REAL water on demand for your family when the world outside will go crazy for a drop of water…your family will have enough to drink, for cooking, or even bathing and washing clothes. Unlock here.
Why Is There A Shortage Of Water
One of the major threat to our earth’s clean water source is pollution. It can happen anywhere. It start with with your filth you throw in your sink and the rubbish you dump in to the drain. This will eventually seep through the earth and down the interconnecting network of water stream. The toxic chemicals that was once discarded by you are making back to your drinking water.
Industrial wastes add to the water pollution when industrial pollutants could contaminate our water resources, making it unfit for human consumption. Diseases and sickness could be spread if this water is consumed unknowingly. The once abundant of water is left in ruins because of its contamination. Where there is water, now it is running scarce because the water is unfit for use.
Destruction of Water Catchment Areas
The destruction of water catchment areas will result in floods. Forests are continuously destroyed to make way for human settlement. Deforestation eliminates trees and undergrowths that their roots helped to prevent sediment run-offs.
Without the roots to absorb the water, the water began to run on the surface instead of being absorbed by the roots. These run-offs will result in soil erosion and flood. The rainwater which would have stored in the underground water table is drained away as waste causing water shortage.
You could try digging a well to look for water… that’s if you can afford the $12,000 drilling and installations costs…or even try your luck with rain harvesting…
Of course, there is a system for creating REAL water on demand for your family when the world outside will go crazy for a drop of water…your family will have enough to drink, for cooking, or even bathing and washing clothes. Unlock here.
What Are the Effects of Water Shortage?
You must be wondering why should the world worry, water covers almost two-thirds of our planet earth? However, due to human’s own doing to the earth like deforestation, pollution, destruction of water catchment areas, water wastage, overuse of water, causes climate change, only 3% of the world’s water is fresh water. Two-thirds of that is embedded in frozen glaciers which otherwise rendered unavailable for our use.
Poor sanitation
Due to the unavailability to access to clean water, therefore there is inadequate sanitation. People are exposed to diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, and other water-borne illnesses. It affected almost millions of people, mostly children in developing countries, die each year from diarrheal diseases alone.

Because of pollution, our water system that keeps the ecosystems thriving has become stressed. The polluted lakes, rivers and aquifers cannot be used anymore. The wetlands which helped to protect our environment is also gone. Inefficient use of water resources in agriculture wastes much water. Altering patterns of weather and water around the world bring shortages in water, droughts in certain areas and floods in others.
It only can get worse if the rate of consuming water continues without any sort of replenishing by the ecosystem or the environment, the world may face a grave situation where water will be short supply by 2025. Let me share some survival skills with you here.
You could try digging a well to look for water… that’s if you can afford the $12,000 drilling and installations costs…or even try your luck with rain harvesting…
Of course, there is a system for creating REAL water on demand for your family when the world outside will go crazy for a drop of water…your family will have enough to drink, for cooking, or even bathing and washing clothes. Unlock here.
What About the Solutions for water scarcity?
Countries are called upon to look into and manage their forests to protect them for the provision of clean water. Forest played an important role in capturing, storing clean drinking water. Megacities like Singapore, New York, Jakarta, Rio de Janeiro, Bogotá, Madrid and Cape Town have been drawing their drinking water from their forest’s catchment areas.

Forests provide a natural canopy to capture rainwater, and its watersheds supply a high proportion of water to homes, commercial, farms, industry and ecological needs.
It is projected that in a few years time, 1.8 billion people on earth will be living in areas with water scarcity. Moreover, two-thirds of mankind may have to live with water-stress conditions.
Countries should take good care of their forests because they are part of the natural infrastructure of the country which regulates its water cycle. They regulate the water table of the forest, hence prevent soil erosion and reduce the effects of flooding. With the process of water retention, they provide abundant high-quality water supply for people, industry and agriculture.
Countries that do not have an innovative policy and solution to take care of their forests run risks of losing these vital resources, which may directly affect thousand or millions quality of people’s lives, their livelihoods and their food supply chain and security. In addition, without caring for their forests, it may be attributed to landslides, droughts, flood, desertification and salinization.
If your municipality does not provides enough of fresh water supply, what are you going to about it?

Climate didn’t permit you any rain anytime if you are living in an arid region and digging a well for 600 feet is out of the question. At this time, who do you turn to? Science of course!
Water On Demand
Your basic science knowledge will tell you that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. I see, you know where I am coming from.
Of course, there is a system for creating REAL water on demand for your family when the world outside will go crazy for a drop of water…your family will have enough to drink, for cooking, or even bathing and washing clothes. Unlock here.
“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.”
Benjamin Franklin
Disclaimer: Please take into consideration that results may vary. The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as advice on any subject matter. You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in this article without seeking professional advice. Reliance on any information provided by this article and others appearing on the article is solely at your own risk. The article and its contents are provided on an “as is” basis.
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