Acquiring and learning the skill to choose your domain name, although an easy process is the most important part of your internet marketing system.
This is the web address that your prospect will be using to find your website or sales page and it is not your actual website itself. Your actual website is the collection of files, images and documents that you upload to your web hosting account.
In the offline world, you can find a business because of its “brick and mortar” physical structure, banners, lighting displays, signboards. You can tell that a supermarket is a supermarket, or a florist store indeed a florist store.
Instead, your prospects have to type in a word or a set of words or phrase or numbers into the address bar of their web browser to find your site. your cyber name
Your cyber address
However, on the Internet, it is entirely a different story altogether. Your domain name is the only single clue to identify what your online business is all about. You have no other physical identifications such as a physical location or store.
Other than your web address (your domain name) your prospective audience has no clue of knowing what your site is all about until they actually go to explores the websites themselves. For those who are new to the internet, who would ever know that is an auction site? Or that is a social networking site? Therefore, there is the need to provide your prospects with immediate clues as to what your online businesses are all about is what lead your online business to use “generic” keyword-based domain names.
Your domain name gave your user a hook?
Generic keyword-based domain name immediately provides the user with an idea of what your business provides, what to look for and what to expect for in your websites or sales page.
For example, your site is is a book store. So when your prospect search for Harry Potter books they would be more likely to find your site named because the words Harry Potter books are in your domain name and the web surfers would instantly realize that your site is probably about Harry Potter books. Also keep in mind that, like your domain name should be far more easy to remember so people can find your site again in the future even if they do not have your URL addresses.
Just think..if your site is would they able to find you?
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